Our Anzac day service is a long held tradition here at Te Horo School.
The service is held to honor those we lost by having a special ANZAC/Armistice Commemoration Service.
The Otaki RSA attends, other invited guests and the local community. This is a traditional event and has seen many generations participating and being remembered.
This is a student centered event and they are involved in setting up a Field of Remembrance and they run the service, reciting the First and Second declaration, Flanders field and singing a number of traditional songs. These crosses are a silent reminder of those New Zealanders who fought during
1914-1918. They bear the names of some of the men and women from our region who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.
Each year this event has a different theme and an invited guest speaks on this topic. These have included animals at war, women in the forces, the Māori battalion, and researching our locals at war.
In term four we celebrate being a country school and hold our annual Ag night. Children can opt to rear an animal (lamb, kid or calf) or grow a home or container garden over several months. This evening is a long held tradition that all students and their whanau enjoy whether they are competing or are just there to support.
Registration Forms and Animal Care booklets are available from the school office.
www.calfclub.co.nz which will show you an easy-to-follow guide on the selection, care and training of pets.
Download our Registration Form HERE or pop into the school office and pick up a form and Animal Care booklet.
Kia ora e te whānau,
We would like to extend a warm welcome to your child and whanau as we welcome you to the beginning of your journey at Te Horo school. The school community is
welcome to come along and join in the welcome to new students and whanau.
This is to welcome all the new students and their families to Te Horo School that have recently started or will start this term.
What happens during a Mihi Whakatau?
Ngā mihi mahana/Warm regards,
Te Horo School Staff
Paddy’s Mart is our main fundraiser for the year. For approximately three hours the school is alive with hundreds of people descending on the school from Wellington through to Palmerston North. The city dwellers love the all round country theme and the locals enjoy buying from our stalls and catching up with other locals from the area. Home and School run this event and rely on the support of all the school community. There is a big build–up to the day, and we’ll be tapping our parents on the shoulder for assistance throughout the third term. The stalls comprise of raffles, cakes, crafts, produce, plants, to name a few. There’s face painting, children’s games, cow–pat bingo, quick-fire raffles, BBQ food and a cafe. It is certainly a fun day for all and an extremely busy time for Home and School and, as the old saying goes, many hands make light work.
Parents, please support our local businesses
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